SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Samcity Film House

Genre : Distribution, Production
Status : Private company
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Our mission
OUR MISSION is to provide a platform for filmmakers in the region to grow and thrive with the aim of re-appropriation of local narratives. We see cinema as a powerful tool to promote and strengthen local cultures and identities while fostering positive socio-economic change.

Our vision is a world where African stories are told by Africans and are made accessible to other Africans and the World.

Our team

Board of Director
* ISHIMWE Sammuel, Legal Representative
* UWAYEZU Epiphanie, Vice Legal Representative
* MUKASETI Pacifique, Secretary and Treasure

Executive Committee
* Marie Clementine DUSABEJAMBO, co-founder of Samcity Film house
* Natacha Muziramakenga
* Joel Karekezi


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

With the support of