SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Aldo Lee

  • Aldo Lee
Film director
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Aldo Lee was born in South Africa and studied at the University of Witwatersrand (South Africa) where he received a Bachelor of Arts with honors in film studies. He started his carreer in fiction with "Sacrifice" for which he received the award for best short film at the Weekly Mail International film festival in South Africa. In France, he produced numerous documentaries and received the award for best documentary with "The Double Life of Dona Ermelinda" at Vues d'Afrique festival in Montreal and "White Farmers, Black land" won a prize at the festival of the Dhow Countries, Tanzania. He has also collaborated with the artists Rainer Ganahl (That which Rolls), Boris Achour(jouer avec des choses mortes), Yann Kopp and John Menick(Occupation) as well as the choreographers Hervé Robbe, Boris Charmatz, Jerome Bel, and Rachid Ouramdane for whom he has created images for several live stage performances. He has also produced three art projects: a four screen video installation called "Portrait de Cendrillon en Pied" which recounts a contemporary version of the fairy tale where the young prince is a foot fetishist and Cinderella is an amputee. He made a short video called the "Pandrogeny Manifesto" starring Genesis P-Orridge and the late Lady Jane Breyer P-Orridge which has been screened at a number of festivals including the Porn Film Festival of Berlin, the Lausanne Underground FF, and Montréal Underground FF... "Fukushima Mon Amour" was shot in Japan where he now resides.


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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