SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Alif Naaba

Alif Naaba
Singer, Song writer/composer
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

Alif Naaba is steeped in the musical traditions of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Atop pulsating polyrhythmic percussion, harp-like kora textures, and funky bass and guitar riffs, Naaba's majestic voice invites an audience to become citizens of his colorful acoustic Afro-pop kingdom. Dense yet danceable, his vibrant music penetrates the body, mind and soul, as his socially conscious lyrics, sung in Mooré and French, tell of the hardships that his country and continent face, while offering a hopeful and positive message for the future.

As a composer, Alif Naaba has participated in the Sundance Institute's East Africa initiative, collaborating with playwright Odile Gakire Katese (Rwanda) and choreographer Flora Théfaine (Togo).
He made a spectacular American debut at globalFEST 2010, New York.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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