SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Janluk "Slas" Stanislas (Slas)

Janluk Slas Stanislas (Slas)
Film director, Producer, Screenwriter
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Cinema/tv

Janluk Stanislas, also known as Slas, is a talented director living in Guadeloupe. SLAS is known to the Antillean community through his numerous video clips of emerging artists. His open perspective on the contemporary world has been profoundly rooted in Caribbean Creole culture.

He is a founding member, since June 2004, of CNOUMENM, a collective of media and creative professionals engaged in building an alternative view of the audio-visual landscape in the Caribbean. As an independent producer, SLAS also directed Essence Béninoise, a documentary on the return to their roots of a group of students and more recently, On Lanmen Ka Lavé Lòt. SLAS is currently working on his first feature.



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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