SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Best of Christina Goh - Concert at Sunside Paris

© Photo Pascal Montagne
Genre : Concert | Paris

Thursday 18 april 2019

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Music

From Montreal to Abidjan and London, member of the jury of the 15th Independent Music Awards in USA, Christina Goh has illustrated on international stages her vocal technique for high-range percussion with unique configurations: 13 bass strings, percussion, among others, voice... not to mention as well as unpublished collaborations with the Western medieval world. After a dozen recordings, adaptations of original psychedelic English titles in French and artistic fusions between poetry, photography, sciences and music, the essayist presents today her new opus, an exceptional "best of" for an atypical career under the international label Plaza Mayor Company Ltd. 

Information / Venue

20€ / 09:00PM

60 rue des Lombards
Paris ( 75001 )


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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