SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

From Boma to Tshela

  • De Boma à Tshela
© Festival de Tarifa 2011
Type : Documentary
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 1926
Format : Short
Running time : 29 (in minutes)
Film Black & white

Ernest Genval explores the scenery along the railway line that links Boma to Tshela in the Mayumbe area. The train passes through the lush and dense vegetation of the thick forests and stops by farm estates along the route like Lukula, the Urselia domain (a colonial manufacturer of cocoa powder and palm oil), Lubuzi River and its new bridge, the Kangu mission and Tshela, where manufactured products are loaded onto boats for shipment to Europe. The train journey is also an eyewitness account of the workings of a well-oiled colonial system and the development of the black workforce at its service.

Dir: Ernest Genval, Belgium


Ernest Genval explora la vía férrea que une Boma y Tshela, en la región de Mayumbe. El convoy cruza la densa vegetación de la selva y se detiene en lugares "estratégicos" como Lukula, la plantación Urselia (una manufactura colonial de café, aceite de palma y cacao), el río Lubuzi y su puente nuevo, la misión Kangu y Tshela, donde los productos se cargan a bordo de barcos camino de Europa. Un periplo que enseña el engranaje perfectamente lubricado del sistema colonial con una mano de obra sometida.

Dirección / Réalisation / Director: Ernest Genval
Producción / Production / Producer: Mission cinématographique Genval
Fotografía / Image / Cinematography: Victor Morin
Música / Musique / Music: Hughes Maréchal

TITULO: De Boma a Tshela - From Boma to Tshela
DIRECTOR: Ernest Genval
GENERO: Documental
PAÍS: Bélgica
AÑO: 1926
CARACTERÍSTICAS: 29' - Color - Muda


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De Boma à Tshela



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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

With the support of