Yanis, a young Kabyle, is leaving for Paris tomorrow. He goes to the small local town to settle his last affairs. He learns of the death of a childhood friend and meets another at the funeral. A mishap at the café turns this last day in the boondocks into a galley and a road movie, first desperate, then pensive and melancholy, in an earthy, sodden Algeria.
A film by Mouloud Aït Liotna, starring Mehdi Ramdani (Yanis), Mohamed Lefkir (Hamid).
Screenplay: Mouloud Aït Liotna
Cinematography: Jowan Le Besco
Sound: Houcine Mellal
Music: Amazigh Kateb, Ptit Moh
Sets: Ammar Nouri Ammar Nouri
Editing: Esther Frey