SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity


Singer, Writer, Song writer/composer
Principal country concerned : Column : Music, Theater, Cinema/tv, Literature, Dance

Elima Ngando : Singer, dancer

Born in Kinshasa (Congo), Elima was grew-up to the Rythmic fever of the mythical band
"Los Nickelos".
With such successful melodies as "Eminence", "Ewasso Manita" and "Babayi nga",
Elima understands very quickly that Congolese music has reached a new level and he decides to be part of this new musical generation.
He's only fourteen when he puts together his first band. For them, immediate succes.

Elima then called Dely M'Putu very quicky decides to import his music and style, and moves to France where he meets the famous composer Henri Guedon.
This will be a decisive step in the career of Dely who will be asked to contribute to Henri Guedon's latest album composition "Africadicima". Dely signs one of the titles "Kisi Yasa".
The vinyl gets rewarded of the years Maracas d'or (Golden title).
Thus, recognised by the professional arena, Dely starts an international career in the company of various reknown african, european and antiguans artists.

In 1980, Dely having worked with those he admired, feels confident and decides to go solo.
He signs with record label Melodie under his own name Dely M'putu.
His first composition sang in French : "Balancez la sauce" (Go for it !)
is an immediate success and sells more than 100 000 records throughout the world.

Dely decides in 1990 to give his career a new boost and a new direction.
Dely is not a follower but a leader. He does not want to identify himself with an easily pre-conceptualised
commercial image that brings hype and satisfies the mass.
He very quickly refuses to settle in the sometimes too easy world of illusory confort that success seems to bring temporary.
He knows that his music must gain in integrity, truthfulness and intensity. From then on, Dely wants to share
What he is learning : humility and dignity ; his new creations will carry a message as much through his lyrics than through the style of music played.
Thus dely M'Putu becomes Elima Ngando The sacred caiman
The Catalyst... The Messenger.


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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