SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Thursday Movie Night @ Goethe: Headhunter

Genre : Cinema cycle | Dar es Salaam

Thursday 09 july 2015

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv


Director Rumle Hammerich

Denmark 2009, 100 minutes

Danish with English subtitles

A thriller set in the upper echelons of the business world. Martin Vinge, a former hardcore reporter, now a successful headhunter with a complicated personal life, lands a confidential assignment to locate a new heir to Denmark's biggest shipping and oil empire. As Martin starts searching for potential candidates, he soon realizes that he is becoming entangled in a far-reaching, impenetrable power game for the corporation's future, a brutal ploy that brings excruciating pressure to bear on Martin and the people he loves.

The Goethe-Institut shows Danish movies in collaboration with the Danish Embassy.

Exrra: Music, Sausages, Cash Bar, Socializing

Information / Venue

Free entry! Starts 7.30pm

Alykhan Road No. 63
Dar es Salaam


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

With the support of