SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Thursday Movie Night @ Goethe: Journeys - A Friend of Mine

Genre : Cinema cycle | Dar es Salaam

Thursday 05 march 2015

Times : 00:00
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

A Friend of Mine
Director Sebastian Schipper
Germany 2006, 84 minutes

"A Friend of Mine" is the amusing story of two friends who could not be more different. It is a comedy about the zaniness of friendship and discovering love:

Karl and Hans are like fire and water – or a Sunday driver and street racer. At any rate, the two men could not be more different.

Karl is a young, introverted mathematician. He works as a junior manager at an insurance company and is on the fast track to a dazzling career. He has been showered with success, earns good money and has a spacious apartment in a prime location. But Karl is completely indifferent to his various professional accomplishments and his life is marked by profound boredom. This is not only due to his above-average talents; he is insecure when it comes to interacting with colleagues and would prefer to be left in peace and not have to deal with presentations and similar annoyances. His boss would like to arouse more passion in this promising young man – or at least more resistance. So one day, out of the blue, he sends Karl on a challenging punitive expedition. He is charged with appraising insurance risks in the highly competitive car rental branch. Karl takes a job as a driver at a car rental company so he can secretly monitor the interworkings of the business. It is there that he meets dynamo and go-getter Hans. Karl becomes immersed in Hans' world of fast cars, fun and friends – a world which includes Stelle , Hans' Cleopatra, the woman he loves and intends to marry.

Karl finally experiences something akin to happiness and a deep interpersonal bond when he gives in to Hans' prodding and they end up speeding recklessly through the night, each jetting through the streets naked in a Porsche. But he also falls in love. He has never met a woman like Stelle. Just as Karl is on the verge of rediscovering the world and the joys of life, his and Hans' friendship is put to a trying test. 

Photo: X Filme Creative Pool GmbH

Entry: Free

Extra: Grilled Sausage (Bratwurst) and a Cash Bar with asorted cold drinks
Extra extra: playback list with selected music genres - choice of the day!

Remember: you can also meet interesting new people and old friends.

Karibu sana!

Information / Venue

Entry: Free

Alykhan Road No. 63
Dar es Salaam


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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