Portrait of the militant filmmaker Vautier evoking his most important shootings through extracts of "Afrique 50″, "J'ai huit ans", "Avoir vingt ans dans les Aurès", "Mourir pour des images", "La Folle de Toujane", "Marée noire, colère rouge" and "Quand tu disais, Valéry". Vautier recalls the anecdotes of his career: prison, bombings, his work with the Algerian FLN, and explains his conception of social intervention cinema. He also expresses his revolt against the desertification of Brittany, the "slow death" of a culture, the repression and the madness of the government which installs military camps and nuclear power stations.
A film by Alain d'Aix
France/Canada, 1981, Documentary, 58′