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She's Guadeloupian. She's Parisian. She's street but plays it smart. She's looking for her roots and dreams of returning home, but to where? When she was little, everyone called her Black Princess. That's who she is, Black Princess, who now wonders how she can make her man grovel at her feet like a dog does with his master.
A film by Véronique and Fabienne KANOR
Guadeloupe, 2004, Fiction, 29 min, Comedy.
starring Daniély Francisque, Firmine Richard, Aïssa Maïga, Édouard Montoute, Ménélik, Magic Malik
Bouquin Affamé Productions
Mr. Olivier Nahmias
6, rue Dagobert
92110 Clichy, France
Phone : +33
Fax : +33
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