SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Rif Lover (The)

  • Amante du Rif (L') - عاشقة [...]
© Courtesy of FIFF 2011, Namur
Genre : Drama
Type : Fiction
Original title :
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv
Year of production : 2011
Format : Feature
Running time : 91 (in minutes)

Aya is twenty years old. She is beautiful, sometimes unsuspicious, often fly-away. She dreams only about love, sublimated and fantasized as one pleases. She drags her freedom from care in the middle of the volutes of kif as her two brothers work for a big trafficker of hashish nicknamed "The Baron". Their paths cross one April morning and her life gradually begins its descent to hell.

Direction : Narjiss Nejjar
Production : Narjiss Nejjar & Lamia Chraïbi - Jbila Méditerranée Productions
& Joseph Rouschop & Valérie Bournonville - Tarantula Films
Frédéric Corvez & Clément Duboin - Urban Factory

Screenwriting : Narjiss Nejjar
Cinematography: Maxime Alexandre
Editing: Julien Fouré & Jacques Comets
Tal Haddad

Pays :Morocco, Belgium & France
Année : 2011
Durée : 95 minutes
Format : DCP l En couleurs
In Arabic with English & French subtitles.

Nadia Kounda (Aya), Mourade Zeguendi (le Baron), Ouidad Elma (Radia), Nadia Niazi (la mère), Fehd Benchemsi (Ahed), Omar Lotfi (Hafid), Siham Assif (la matonne), Raoula (la diva / the diva)

Urban Distribution International
14, rue du 18-août
93100 Montreuil
Tel : +33 1 48 70 73 07
Email : anne@urbandistrib.com

2011 - 11st Festival International du film de Marrakech - FIFM 2011


آية شابة جميلة تبلغ من العمر العشرين، ساذجة أحيانا، ومتمردة في أغلب الأوقات. تحلم بحب خيالي يجتاحها، وتعيش وسط لفافات الحشيش؛ فشقيقيها يعملان لحساب " البارون" أحد أكبر أباطرة المخدرات. حياتها ستتغير عندما يلقي بها شقيقها الأكبر في أحضان البارون مقابل قطعة أرض لزراعة عشبه...

عاشقة من الريف - المغرب، بلجيكا وفرنسا
إخراج : نرجس النجار

تشخيص : نادية كوندة ، مراد الزكندي ، وداد إلما ، نادية نيازي ، فهد بنشمسي ، عمر لطفي ، سهام أسيف ، راوية.

البيع عبر العالم:
Tel : +33 1 48 70 73 07
anne@urbandistrib.com البريد الإلكتروني :

Summary for official catalogues

Aya is twenty years old. She is beautiful, sometimes unsuspicious, often fly-away. She dreams only about love, sublimated and fantasized as one pleases. She drags her freedom from care in the middle of the volutes of kif as her two brothers work for a big trafficker of hashish nicknamed "The Baron". Their paths cross one April morning and her life gradually begins its descent to hell.

Direction : Narjiss Nejjar, 2011, Morocco, Belgium & France


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Amante du Rif (L')



  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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