SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Culture Fund Events Highlights

Genre : Cultural projects
Principal country concerned : Column : Theater
Release/publication date : April 2015
Published on : 04/02/2015

1. Inkululeko Yabatsha School of Arts (IYASA) hosts its biggest trainers' workshop at Amakhosi and Samaritans Center in Bulawayo on 5 and 6 February. 60 teachers and 150 students are expected to be exploring the theme: "Who am I" with trained dance, theatre and music experts. This initiative is supported by Culture Fund and DANIDA (By invitation only)

2. National Arts Council of Zimbabwe hosts its National Arts Merit (NAMA) awards ceremony on 14 February at the 7 arts theatre in Avondale. This initiative is supported by Culture Fund and Sida.

3. Culture Fund in partnership with UNDP brings to you a radio dialogue 'Social Mortar', on how the arts and culture can be harnessed to build social bonds that bring people together to bridge cultural diversity.
Every Wednesday at 20:00 to 20:30 hours on ZiFM

Radio Frequencies: Harare 106.4MHz, Bulawayo 106.7MHz, Mutare 95.4MHz, Masvingo 96.1MHz, Gweru 104.3MHz Victoria Falls 106.5MHz, Beitbridge 101.6MHz, Mutorashanga 97.6MHz, Kadoma 105.2MHz, Nyanga 98.2MHz

Contact: Watsapp number 0772 168 045

4. Culture Fund in partnership with Sweden is supporting Savanna Trust on a Radio Drama Program that explores the issues being faced on issues of Gender Based Violence. To listen to previously aired episodes go to www.savannatrust.com

Every Wednesday at 20:15 to 21:00 hrs on Star FM

Radio Frequencies: Harare 89.7MHz, Bulawayo 93.1MHz
Contact: WhatsApp this number 0775956613


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

With the support of