lettera27 is a non-profit foundation, born in July 2006. Its mission is to support the right to literacy, education, and the access to knowledge and information, all over the world and especially in the most deprived areas.
lettera27 is the 27th letter of the alphabet, the missing letter, the letter yet to be, the hybrid sign, the empty box, the link between oral and written words, the connection to the future, the intersection of analogic and digital.
Its mission is to support the right to literacy, to education, and the access to knowledge and information
WikiAfrica/Palabre is a project designed to Africanize Wikipedia through networks, research, projects, publications, and events. WikiAfrica contributes to Wikimedia projects online and offline with texts, quotes, images, audio, and video.
WikiAfrica supports access to information and the sharing and conservation of knowledge. WikiAfrica considers Wikimedia projects as an extended, international forum, capable of giving Africa a larger voice and greater visibility. "La Palabre is precious, because in the afterlife there is none." So says a proverb from Mali, emphasizing the importance of dialogue, verbal exchange, socialization, and mediation. It is in this spirit that "Wiki Africa" wishes to operate, helping to expand and improve information available about Africa online.
WikiAfrica creates networks, involves users, facilitates the participation and access to Wikimedia projects, as well as providing analytical and exploratory tools and instruments, generating new content and investigations, gathering funds for scholarships, and supporting present and active resources in the territories covered by the initiative. In order to achieve its goals, the WikiAfrica program is structured in areas of intervention and it can be found online on WikiAfrica.org, where you can watch the project unfold and see its results.
WikiAfrica is a project open to the active participation of all agencies, organizations, and individuals that share its aims. WikiAfrica is supported by the lettera27 Foundation, in collaboration with Wikimedia Italia.
Ongoing Programmes
WAW - WikiAfrica Workshop
WAL - WikiAfrica Literature
WAA - WikiAfrica Art
Che cos'è lettera27
lettera27 è una fondazione non profit, nata nel luglio 2006. La sua missione è sostenere il diritto all'alfabetizzazione, all'istruzione e, più in generale, favorire l'accesso alla conoscenza e all'informazione.
lettera27 è la ventisettesima lettera, la lettera che manca, la lettera che non è ancora stata scritta, la lettera ibrida, lo spazio da riempire, il collegamento tra scrittura e oralità, la connessione con il futuro, l'intersezione tra analogico e digitale.