SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

The African Dream

Our reason to be : The African Dream network promotes exchanges of cultural projects from Africa, the Caribbean, Jamaica, Haiti, Brazil, Mexico, Cuba ... or any other projects inspired by Africa.
Everyone has a dream, ours is the African Dream ! An ethic funded on social and cultural values and embodied in all the lovers of Africa who share its culturals treasures closely or by far. Every year we select three projects that we support internationally, thanks to the Afro Pepites Show.

THE AFRO PEPITES SHOW "Support for the digital visibility of the continent's talent..." : In this outpouring of creativity broadcasted by the Internet, every year The African Dream selects three projects!
Websites +> www.theafricandream.org / Afro Pepites Show : www.afropepiteshow.com


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

With the support of