SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Aimé Mpané

Aimé Mpané
Sculptor / carver
Principal country concerned : Column : Fine arts

Aime Mpane was born 1968 into a family of artists in Kinshasa, Congo. He graduated in Sculpture from the Academie des Beaux-Arts, Kinshasa in 1990 and Ecole National Superieure des Arts Visuels de La Cambre, Bruxelles, Belgium in 2000, He presently teaches Sculpture at the Academie International d'Ete de Wallonie, Libramont, Belgium and as a Visiting Professor at the Academie des Beaux-Art in Kinshasa. Exhibitions include Havana Biennial 2003 ; Africa for Africa, Palais des Beaux-Arts, Bruxelles 2003, Musee de Katanga, Lubumbashi, Congo 2002, Africa Sana, Quai Antoine Ier, Monaco 2001 and Centre Cultural Français, Kinshasa in 1991.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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