SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Irene de Lucas

  • Irene de Lucas
© DR
Film director, Writer, Researcher
Principal country concerned : Column : Cinema/tv

Spanish Writer, Scholar, Filmmaker

Irene de Lucas Ramón was born in Valencia (Spain). Following the research for her doctoral thesis on early cinema, she moves to Paris in 2005, where she has lived ever since and shot most of her film work. She has published a book on Luis Buñuel's film ‘Los Olvidados' -Los Olvidados. La violencia de los excluidos- and collaborates with a regular publication of film analysis articles both in specialised magazines on filmmaking and in the Web. She is currently working in her second book to be published: The hidden pioneer: Alice Guy in the origin of cinema.


-PROTOPLASTOS (The Genesis of Species). 2015. (Spain-France-Italy Co-production)
Director, Scriptwriter, Editor and Producer

- La Marelle. 2012.
Co-Director, Co-Scriptwriter and Co-Producer.
· Best Short Film on Civil & Political Rights Award - International Short Film Competition on Human Rights Fundación por la Justicia Valencia (2012)
· Selected at :
El corto del Año - Promofest (2013)
FIBABC (2013)
IX Competición de Cortometrajes SOS RACISMO Madrid. (2013)

- Le Jeu de Dames. 2008.
Director, Scriptwriter and Producer
· Special Jury Award - 8o Festival Internacional de Cine Digital de Viña del Mar (Viña del Mar, Chile) (2010). Official Selection.
· Best Screenplay Award - Festival Islantilla Cinefórum. (Huelva, Spain) (2009). Nominee for Best Short Film & Best Original Music. Official Selection.
· First Prize at the International Competition of Digital Short Films. Festival de Cine de Medina del Campo (Valladolid, Spain). Certamen Internacional de Cortometrajes Digitales.
· Tirant International Audiovisual Award 2009 for the Best Digital Short Film. Premios Tirant Internacional del Audiovisual (Valencia, Spain) (2009) Cortometrajes en video.
· Best Editing Mention. Festival de Cine Cortocomenius (Valencia, Spain) (2009).
· Selected at :
- 8o Festival Internacional de Cine Digital de Viña del Mar (Chile) (2010)
- VII Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes FENACO (Cuzco, Perú) (2010)
Official Selection.
- Festival de cine ‘Hecho X Mujeres' 2009 (Rosario, Argentina) (2009)
- 16a edición del Festival Internacional Jóvenes Realizadores (Granada, Spain) (2009) OfficialSelection:AcciónReal.
- 8a edición del Festival International Cinéma Nouvelle Génération de Lyon (Lyon,
France) (2009) Official Selection.
- 41a Muestra Cinematográfica del Atlántico, Alcances 2009 (Cádiz, Spain) (2009)
Selección ‘Cortos españoles de ficción'.
- Festival Islantilla Cinefórum 2009 (Huelva, Spain) (2009) Official Selection. - 37th Festival der Nationen (Ebensee, Austria)(2009) Official Selection.
- 12a edición del Festival de Málaga. (Málaga, Spain) (2009)

Source :


  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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