SPLA : Portal to cultural diversity

Nabil Boutros

Nabil Boutros
Principal country concerned : Column : Photo

Born in Cairo. Lives in Paris.
Studies of Decorative Arts in Cairo and Fine Arts in Paris. Exhibitions of his paintings in Paris.
Scenography for theatre plays and exhibitions. Chooses photography in'86.
From 1990 to 1994 works on a large series of Egyptian portraits; the Night and the "Inhabited" places are permanent in his work. 1997, works on Egyptian popular music; traditional, religious, civil. In 2000, works on the relation between the cities of Alexandria and Marseille. From 1997 to 2004 makes a large documentation on everyday life of the Copts (Egyptian Christians), that was published in 2007: "Coptes du Nil". In 2005, makes portraits of 4 African writers inspired by their texts. 2006, started working on the notion of "Modernity" in Egypt. Currently he continues his investigation on the Middle-East Christians, and about Profane and Sacred in the Reunion Island. 2007/2008, achieved documentation on the relationship between Bedouins and modernity in Jordan, "Bédouins aujourd'hui en Jordanie" was published in French & Arabic july 2008
Realized many stage and exhibition designs.
Conducts regularly master classes and workshops about image and photography.


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  • Media, Sports and Entertainment Group (MSE)
  • Nex Consulting

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