SPLA : Portail de la diversité culturelle

Performing Pan-Africanism: The History, Politics and Culture of an Idea

Study Day funded by the British Academy
Performing Pan-Africanism: The History, Politics and [...]
Genre : Conférence internationale | Paris

Lundi 24 septembre 2012

Horaires : 00:00
Pays principal concerné : Rubrique : Cinéma/tv, Littérature / édition, Histoire/société, Patrimoine

Granville Barker Room, University of London in Paris
9-11 rue de Constantine, 75007 Paris

M° Invalides
Monday, 24 September 2012

Registration (tea/coffee will be available)

Introduction (David Murphy)

Panel 1: Early Twentieth-Century Pan-Africanism
(Chair: Lydie Moudileno)

- Tsitsi Jaji (University of Pennsylvania): ‘Charlotte Manye Maxeke, Musician and Activist: Towards a Feminist Genealogy of Pan-Africanism in South Africa'

- David Murphy (University of Stirling): ‘Lamine Senghor and Black Internationalism in the 1920s'

- Charles Forsdick (University of Liverpool): ‘Situating The Black Jacobins: transatlantic contexts, transnational politics'


Panel 2: Pan-Africanism after WW2: from utopia to dystopia? (Chair: Tsitsi Jaji)

- Antoine de Boyer (Université Paris 1-CEMAF): ‘L'implantation du mouvement panafricaniste en Afrique: la relation entre Padmore et Nkrumah (1945-1960)'

- Amzat Boukari-Yabara (GIERSA, Université de Montréal/EHESS): ‘How Europe Underdeveloped Africa (1972): pourquoi rééditer l'œuvre de Walter Rodney en 2012'

- Ferdinand de Jong (University of East Anglia): ‘From Egypt: The Legacy of Cheikh Anta Diop in Senegal'


Panel 3: Cultural Manifestations of Pan-Africanism
(Chair: David Murphy)

- Pascale Ratovonony (Paris I-Panthéon Sorbonne): ‘Négritude contre Panafricanisme: L'iconographie du héros dans la peinture de l'Ecole de Dakar'

- Thierno Ibrahima Dia (Université de Bordeaux): ‘FESPACO & FESMAN: politics vs policy'

The study day will be followed by the official launch of the ULIP journal, Francosphères at 18:30.

There is no charge for attending the event but delegates must register in advance.
Please contact David Murphy (d.f.murphy@stir.ac.uk) by Friday, 21 September.

Francosphères, the new journal of the University of London Institute in Paris, seeks to define and question the presence of French language and culture across frontiers and borders, as defined by the Franco postcolonial presence, contact with French culture, and the ‘France of the mind'. To this extent, Francosphères is intended as a journal of transcultural and intercultural French Studies. It is therefore a journal that is about liminal spaces rather than operating within the hierarchy of ‘French' or ‘Francophone' culture.

Taking its cue from recent advances in postcolonial theory and gender theory, it will also investigate the legitimacy of these issues within France itself as well as in post-colonial territories or territories which have never been under French control. The overall aim is to set in motion a dialogue about what it means to work in ‘French' Studies in the 21st Century - this fact necessarily also opens up the possibility of Medieval and Early Modern perspectives on the ‘Francosphere'.

Francosphères will thus offer an opportunity to reflect critically on ‘concentrations' of creative and counter-hegemonic endeavours in which the French language, French culture or an ‘idea' of Frenchness have played a determining role, thereby contributing to the development of new critical paradigms for our ‘post-national' era.

Francosphères is distributed worldwide for Liverpool University Press by Turpin Distribution. For ordering information contact: Liverpool@turpin-distribution.com

Quelque Lignes sur Francosphères:
Francosphères est la nouvelle revue d'ULIP. Francosphères est une revue d'études françaises et francophones, mais l'accent est mis sur les études transculturelles et interculturelles. Elle interroge les espaces liminaires plutôt que d'être simplement centrée sur la culture "française" ou "francophone". La revue cherchera à définir et à interroger la présence de la langue et de la culture françaises à travers les frontières, qui sont définies par la présence franco-postcoloniale, le contact avec la culture française, et ‘la France de l'imagination'.
S'inspirant des progrès récents des théories postcoloniales et des gender studies, elle examinera la légitimité de ces questions au sein de la France elle-même. Francosphères offrira l'occasion de réfléchir d'une manière critique sur les "concentrations" des efforts créatifs et contre-hégémoniques dans lesquels la langue française, la culture française, ou une "idée" de francité ont joué un rôle déterminant, contribuant ainsi au développement de nouveaux paradigmes critiques pour notre époque "post-nationale".

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